Thursday, May 04, 2006

1st one (retrospective)

i wrote this over on deoxy the night after i'd attacked dinah for the 1st time:

last night in my sleep i attacked my girl...

and yes tonight i've drunk & smoked more than maybe i should of,

but last night in my sleep i attacked my girl...

she woke me up with a slap in the face, and my first words to her were...

baby, did you hit me?

to which she replied... yeah well, you started it..

last night in my sleep i attacked my girl, and though i found it funny enough when i talked about it with her today, i am not asleep right now, i've got to get up for work in about 4 hours...

it's not the only thing going on, and maybe once i've posted this i'll go up there and put my arms around her and drift into beautiful slumbers...

just marking this place for myself...

keep it unreal
